TuaPath Announces Third-party Signature – Simplifying Work Activity Verification
Verifying work participation hours for participants is never a fun process. Having to track down their instructor, internship coordinator or employment supervisor to have them sign their activity log creates an unnecessary hardship, in addition to taking away their dignity.
TuaPath’s new Third-party Signature feature makes it easy for participants to obtain the verification and sign-off needed without all the headaches and loss of self-worth.
From the convenience of a phone, tablet, or computer TuaPath empowers participants to:
- Enter information about their participation activities and the hours associated using a friendly calendar interface.
- Track progress toward meeting requirements at any time.
- Send request to verify activity log for the reporting period to the appropriate education, work experience or other provider.
- Track status of the review process in real-time.
- Access reviewed activity logs and notes.
TuaPath’s new Third-party Signature process is a step towards affirming a participant’s dignity and it goes a long way to helping restore respect and recognizing that participants are working hard to improve economic mobility for their families.
- Saves value time as there is no need to scan and upload paperwork.
- Hastens the review process and improves audit readiness as in one place, case workers can review activities and hours entered, check for documents uploaded, track the status of the sign-off and any corrections provided. There is no need to rummage through paper files or multiple systems to find the information needed.
- Maximizes compliance by easing the burden for participants to track hours and obtain verification thereby lowering the probability of mistakes which could lead to triage and sanctions.
- Improves transparency and trust in the program as all entries and submitted documentation can be viewed, printed and downloaded at any time.
- Minimizes the need for discussions around compliance since the case worker has a 360 degree of participant work activity and status, as such a conversation can be a barrier to building a coaching relationship.